Which wedding guest are you?

Jul 28 2017

Every wedding has those distinctive guests who spring to mind in conversation for years to come… can you spot a type of guest that spins your memory back to your wedding? Perhaps you are planning your wedding and could identify friends and family who will fit into these categories… Or have you been one of the following?

The Dance Floor Gatherer Guest

This individual loves a party, getting people together and dancing is one of their goals for the night. They will be determined to do so, you can always count on them to encourage people to get up and boogie!

The Couple-Clinger Guest

A guest that is just so happy for their long-term friend and will be stuck to their side or lingering near to them whenever the chance presents itself.

The Selfie Obsessed Guest

This person is a selfie master, they know their angles, filters and have an eye for lighting, throw a selfie stick or prop at them and this will occupy them for hours.

The Party-Seeking Elder Guest

One of the older guests who lives by ‘you’re only as young as you feel’, they usually end up sharing a dance with a gorgeous bridesmaid or a handsome groomsman.

Every guest with a smile on their face!

The Table Hoover Guest

This individual is on the hunt for leftovers, and can consume quite an impressive amount of food, but that means they are certainly enjoying it!

The Aw Factor Guest

Whether this guest is a young and twirling child under the twinkling lights or even your hair piece which refers to ‘something borrowed’, there is always someone who creates the cuteness.

The Time Tester Guest

This guest is always late, so why would your wedding be any different? “You know, Dianne, we actually organised the bus a few months ago, so as it is the day before the wedding, and you told us you did not need a seat on it, you may have to get a taxi, sorrrrrrrrry!”

The New Best Friends

This is an umbrella term which refers to two guests who may have never even crossed paths before, but have possibly hit it off over wearing the same shoes during the drinks reception and have stayed together for the rest of the night!

The Ambitious Amateur Snapper Guest

This guest loves a capturing the best shots of the day, they even might bring along a semi-professional camera to do so!

The Gossiper Guest

This person feels it is their duty to give their opinion throughout the day, because everyone cares about it…. Right? “The wedding cake is chocolate?” “The dress is not exactly traditional?” “This music is a little loud” If you have one of these folk on your day, not to worry, you can’t please them all!

The Keep Sake Guest

This guest will most certainly wake up with a prop on their head, or maybe a bouquet of flowers on their dresser, they may be a thief but at least they have something to put in their memory box!

Larchfield wedding guests enjoying themselves in our courtyard

The Social Media Updater Guest

If you are having an unplugged wedding, this person is one to watch! Facebook checking in, live videos, Instagram stories, snapchat filters, twitter posts, you name it, they love an update!

The Tan-Tastic Beauty Guest

This individual adores the sun, need we say more. Who doesn’t love to be sun-kissed after all?

The On-Looker Guest

This person enjoys themselves by sitting back and watching the proceedings.

Wedding guests come in all sorts – but you wouldn’t have them any other way!